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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Practical Radicals

Transition Bus

The Business of Collaboration

Albert Cañigueral

New Cuban Cooperatives

Dave Lippman
Mindy Gershon

2 New Ebooks from Las Indias

Las Indias

Three Pioneering Faces of Public Hope

Len Krimerman

Mass Mosaic Opts for the FairShares Alternative

Anna Bergren Miller

WorX Printing Co-op

WorX Printing

Student Housing Co-ops

Laurent Levesque

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflo

Dario Azzellini
Oliver Ressler

Infecting the New Economy with the Virus of Cooperation

Pablo Prieto
Enric Duran

What is an Activist Entrepreneur?


Radical Democracy

Carlos Delclós

P6: Enacting Cooperative Values

Ruby Levine

Ways to Create a Democratized Economy

Gar Alperovitz