Jonathan Michael Feldmanis a senior researcher at the National Institute for Working Life, in Stockholm, Sweden. He is part of the Centre for Ethnicity and Urban Studies at the Institutes Work and Culture program in Norrköping, Sweden. He formerly worked as the Program Director for the National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament in Washington, D.C. and as an economic development consultant for Metis Associates in New York City. His areas of interest are economic democracy, social inclusion, community development, and the strategies for promoting the democratic use of technology in a regional development context.
Jessica Gordon Nembhard is a political economist, and is Assistant Professor, Afro-American Studies Program (joint with the Democracy Collaborative) and a Principal of the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland (UMd), College Park. She is also a consultant (previously Research Director) for the Preamble Center, Washington, DC. From 1997-2000 she was Senior Economist at Morgan State Universitys Institute for Urban Research; and was Economic Development Analyst for the Black Community Crusade for Children of the Childrens Defense Fund from 1993-1996. She specializes in alternative democratic economic development, urban cooperative economic development, race and economic inequality, and popular economic literacy.
The Toward a New Paradigm: Alternative Democratic and Cooperative Structures and Strategies for Economic Development project was supported by the Centre for Ethnic and Urban Studies, Work and Culture Program, National Institute for Working Life, Norrköping, Sweden, and the Preamble Center, Washington, D.C., USA.
A version of this dialogue, along with more articles from the New Paradigm project, will appear in a special issue of the Planners Network Newsletter, September 2001.
An expanded version containing all of the discussions, as well as associated papers related to the project by Jonathan Michael Feldman and Jessica Gordon Nembhard, will be published by the Partnership for Multi-ethnic Inclusion (PfMI) whose reports are distributed Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Europeans interested in the publication should contact Lars Göran Karlsson at PfMI in Umeå University, Umeå,, Sweden: Phone: (46)-90-7866892; Fax: (46)-90-7866694, Email: .For American readers, distribution of this publication will be available through: The Democracy Collaborative, Attention: Jessica Gordon Nembhard, 1241 Tawes Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. Phone: 301-314-2745. Fax: 301-314-2533; Email: .
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