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A Call from the Modern Times
Modern Times Bookstore, a collectively owned and operated progressive bookstore for San Francisco's Mission District, has been offering wide-ranging and hard to come by books and fostering a vital literary community since 1971. It has survived the collapse of the New Left from which it emerged, the assault of chain bookselling, the death of independent stores throughout the country, gentrification of the Mission, and the competition from online booksellers. But like many small businesses, Modern Times has suffered declining revenues over the past several years as our community comes under increasing financial pressure. They have issued a call for support:
"We believe it is critical that Modern Times Bookstore remains viable as the US occupation of Iraq and the Middle East stagnates and the War on Terror compromises our civil liberties in ever more convoluted ways while immigrants face heightened repression here at home. Now, more than ever, we need support from our customers, members, authors, and friends so that we can continue to sustain our connections and our responsibilities to the Mission and Bay Area communities. For more information, visit us on the web at:"
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